10 Best Active Learning Strategies for Kids in the Classroom

10 Best Active Learning Strategies for Kids in the Classroom

In today's rapidly evolving educational landscape, traditional passive learning methods are replacing more engaging and practical approaches. Active learning, a pedagogical practice encouraging students to participate actively in learning, has gained significant popularity.

This approach is particularly crucial for children, as it enhances their academic performance and fosters a love for learning. This blog post will explore the ten best active learning strategies for kids in the classroom.

Hands-On Activities:

Children learn best when they can touch, feel, and manipulate objects. Incorporating hands-on activities into the curriculum engages multiple senses and reinforces concepts. For example, students can conduct simple experiments in a science class, fostering a deeper understanding of scientific principles through direct experience.

Educational Games:

Learning through play is a powerful concept, and educational games provide an excellent platform. Whether it's math puzzles, language games, or interactive quizzes, incorporating games into the curriculum makes learning enjoyable and helps reinforce key concepts.

Collaborative Learning:

Encouraging student collaboration promotes a sense of community and allows them to learn from each other. Group projects, discussions, and peer teaching effectively implement collaborative learning. This strategy enhances academic understanding and develops essential social and communication skills.


Role-playing is a dynamic strategy that allows students to step into different roles and perspectives. This approach is efficient for teaching subjects like history or literature. By embodying historical figures or literary characters, students gain a deeper understanding of the context and motivations behind events and actions.

Real-World Connections:

Relating classroom concepts to real-world scenarios makes learning more meaningful for students. Teachers can connect lessons to current events, real-life stories, or practical applications. This strategy helps children see the relevance of their learning, sparking curiosity and a desire to explore further.

Interactive Technology:

Incorporating interactive technology, such as educational apps, online simulations, or virtual reality experiences, can make learning more engaging for tech-savvy children. Interactive tools capture their attention and provide a platform for personalised learning experiences tailored to individual needs.

Questioning Techniques:

Encouraging curiosity through effective questioning is a cornerstone of active learning. Teachers can pose open-ended questions that prompt critical thinking and discussion. This approach challenges students to think beyond rote memorisation and encourages them to explore various perspectives and solutions.

Inquiry-Based Learning:

Inquiry-based learning shifts the focus from delivering information to guiding students in asking questions and seeking answers. This approach promotes independent thinking, problem-solving skills, and a genuine interest in the subject matter. Teachers act as facilitators, guiding students through the learning process.

Field Trips:

Taking learning outside the classroom can be a powerful way to engage students. Field trips provide hands-on experiences and allow children to see the practical applications of their learning. Whether visiting a museum, a science centre, or a historical site, field trips can impact a child's understanding of the subject.

Reflection and Self-Assessment:

Encouraging students to reflect on their learning experiences and assess their progress promotes metacognition. Activities like journaling, self-assessment quizzes, or group discussions about personal growth and challenges help children become more aware of their learning processes and take ownership of their education.


Incorporating active learning strategies into the classroom enhances academic performance and cultivates a love for learning that can last a lifetime. By recognising the diverse ways children learn, educators can create an environment that fosters curiosity, critical thinking, and a genuine passion for knowledge.

As we continue to adapt our teaching methods to meet the evolving needs of students, embracing active learning strategies is a step towards creating a more engaging and practical educational experience for children.


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