Powerful Tricks to Get Children to Clean Up

Powerful Tricks to Get Children to Clean Up

Cleaning up can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to convincing children to lend a helping hand. As parents, caregivers, or educators, we often struggle to make cleaning up an enjoyable and cooperative activity for children. However, with a few clever tricks, we can turn the seemingly mundane task of tidying up into a fun and engaging experience for children.

In this article, we will explore six powerful yet simple tips to encourage children to clean up with a smile on their faces.

Turn Cleaning into a Game:

Children love games; turning the cleaning process into a playful activity can make it more enjoyable. Create a cleaning game that involves challenges, rewards, and a bit of friendly competition. For instance, you can set a timer and challenge your child to see how quickly they can tidy up their toys or organise their books. Alternatively, turn it into a race by assigning different tasks to each child and rewarding the one who finishes first with a small treat or a sticker.

Additionally, you can make a cleaning-themed bingo card with different chores as squares. As your child completes each task, they can mark it on the card. A full row or column could earn them a special reward. By infusing an element of fun and competition, children are more likely to view cleaning as a game rather than a chore.

Incorporate Music and Dance:

Music has a magical way of transforming mundane activities into lively and enjoyable experiences. Create a cleaning playlist featuring your child's favourite tunes, and let the music guide the cleaning process. Encourage your little ones to dance while picking up toys or putting away their clothes. Not only does this make cleaning more entertaining, but it also turns it into a physical activity, promoting coordination and movement.

Consider organising a "cleaning party" where everyone in the family gets involved. Turn up the volume, let loose, and enjoy the process together. The positive association between cleaning and having fun can make children more willing to participate in tidying up regularly.

Make Cleaning Tools Child-Friendly:

Children are naturally drawn to colourful and exciting objects. Invest in child-friendly cleaning tools and supplies to make the cleaning process more appealing. Child-sized brooms, dustpans, and dusters with vibrant colours and fun designs can turn cleaning into a playful experience. Allow your child to pick out their cleaning tools, giving them a sense of ownership and responsibility.

To further engage them, consider using cleaning tools with a dual purpose, such as a dustpan resembling a smiling face or a mop with a detachable and washable plush toy cover. By making cleaning tools more child-friendly, you're fostering a positive attitude toward cleaning and encouraging a sense of independence and accomplishment.

Create a Reward System:

Children respond well to positive reinforcement, and creating a reward system can be a powerful motivator for encouraging them to clean up. Establish a simple yet effective reward chart where your child can earn stickers or stars for completing cleaning tasks. Once they accumulate a certain number of stickers, offer a special reward such as extra playtime, a small treat, or a special outing.

Tailoring the rewards to your child's interests and preferences is essential, ensuring that they find the incentives genuinely enticing. This system not only reinforces the habit of cleaning but also teaches children about the value of effort and the positive outcomes that result from their hard work.

Set a Good Example:

Children learn by observing, and setting a good example is one of the most effective ways to instil positive habits. Demonstrate a positive attitude toward cleaning by incorporating it into your routine and expressing enthusiasm for the process. If children see that cleaning is a normal and expected part of daily life, they are likelier to adopt the same mindset.

Invite your child to join you in cleaning tasks, making it a bonding experience. By working together, you get the cleaning done more efficiently and create valuable opportunities for communication and connection. Your positive attitude and willingness to participate in cleaning can inspire your child to view it as a shared responsibility rather than a chore.

Turn Cleaning into a Story:

Children have vivid imaginations, and incorporating storytelling into the cleaning process can make it more engaging for them. Create a cleaning story where each cleaning task becomes part of an exciting adventure—for example, turning toy cleanup into a mission to rescue a stranded spaceship or organising clothes into a magical sorting ritual.

Encourage your child to narrate the story as they clean, adding creativity and imagination. This not only makes cleaning more entertaining but also stimulates cognitive development. The storytelling approach can turn an ordinary cleaning session into a captivating experience your child looks forward to.


Encouraging children to clean up doesn't have to be a constant struggle. By implementing these simple yet powerful tricks, you can transform cleaning into an enjoyable and positive experience for you and your child. Whether through games, music, child-friendly tools, rewards, setting an example, or storytelling, making cleaning a fun and interactive activity can foster a sense of responsibility and teach valuable life skills. Remember, the goal is not just a clean space but also to instil a positive attitude toward tidying up that will benefit your child in the long run.


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